Table Sequence Functions

Read(3996) Label: table sequence function,

  Learn about table sequence functions that are unique in esProc and that handle table sequence values.

Ø  T.alter()

Alter fields in a table sequence.

Ø  A.field(F)

Get the values in a specified field of a sequence

Ø  A.field(F,x)

Modify the value of a specified field in a sequence

Ø  A.record()

Generate a table sequence from a sequence of sequences

Ø  A.record(n)

Generate a table sequence consisting of a specified number of columns based on a specific sequence

Ø  P.array()

Transform each record of a table sequence/record sequence and return a sequence of sequences

Ø  P.create()

Generate a new empty table sequence by copying data structure of a specific record sequence

Ø  P.i()

Convert a specified table sequence to a pure one

Ø  P.o()

Convert a pure table sequence to an ordinary one


Compute the given expression for each record of the record sequence

Ø  T.create()

Generate an empty table sequence by duplicating the data structure of another table sequence

Ø  T.delete()

Delete specified records from a table sequence

Ø  T.fname()

Get names of fields of a table sequence

Ø  T.fno()

Get sequencr number(s) of a single or multiple specified fields in a table sequence

Ø  T.index()

Create an index table for the key of a table sequence

Ø  T.insert()

Insert one or more records into a table sequence

Ø  T.keys()

Set a key for a table sequence

Ø  T.keys@i(Ki,…;n)

Set primary key for a table sequence and in the meantime create index on it

Ø  T.modify()

Modify one or more records of a table sequence

Ø  T.paste()

Loop through the records of a sequence to modify the specified field of a table sequence in order.

Ø  T.record()

Use the members of a sequence to form new records of a table sequence

Ø  T.reset()

Clear the members of a table sequence

Ø  T.rename()

Modify field names


Return members of a table sequence/in-memory table which satisfy a condition

Ø  create()

Create an empty table sequence

Ø  create(#F)

Create an empty table sequence with one or more keys set

Ø  ifr()

Find whether an object is a record

Ø  ift()

Find whether an object is a table sequence

Ø  ifpure()

Judge whether a data object is a pure sequence or a pure table sequence

Ø  r.F

Get value for field F of record r

Ø  r.F=x

Assign x to field F of record r

Ø  r.array()

Get the field values from a record respectively and return them as a sequence

Ø  r.alter()

Modify fields of a record

Ø  r.create()

Create a table sequence by copying the data structure of a specified record

Ø  r.field(F)

Get the value of a certain field in a record

Ø  r.field(F,x)

Modify values in the specified field of a record

Ø  r.fname()

Get the name of a field of the record according to the sequence number of the field

Ø  r.fno()

Get the sequence number of field F of record r in a table sequence

Ø  r.key()

Get the primary key value of a record

Ø  r.modify()

Modify the field values of a record

Ø  r.record()

Modify field values of a record with members of a sequence

Ø  v.v()

Get the primary key value of the record pointed by a referencing field

Ø  {Fi:…,…}

JSON-style record constant

Ø  [{Fi:…,…},…]

JSON-style table sequence constant