Sequence Functions

Read(3048) Label: sequence function,

  esProc offers sequence functions that handle sequence values.

Ø  A(i)

Get a member from a sequence

Ø  A(i)=x

Assign values to members of a sequence

Ø  A(p)

Create a new sequence by getting members from a sequence according to the sequence numbers of members of an integer sequence

Ø  A(p)=X

Assign members of sequence X to corresponding members of another sequence in order

Ø  A(p)=x

Assign value x to corresponding members of another sequence

Ø  A.delete()

Delete specified members from a sequence

Ø  A.i()

Convert a specified sequence to a pure sequence

Ø  A.insert()

Insert members into a sequence

Ø  A.inv()

Adjust the order of members of a sequence

Ø  A.len()

Get the length of a sequence

Ø  A.m()

Get members of a sequence at specified positions

Ø  A.m(a:b,c,d:e)

Get members of a sequence at specified positions to form a new sequence

Ø  A.modify()

Assign values to one or more members of a sequence according to the specified position(s)

Ø  A.o()

Convert a sequence to an ordinary one

Ø  A.p()

Get sequence numbers of the members at specified positions

Ø  A.pad()

Add members of a sequence to another one until the latter reaches a certain length

Ø  A.rvs()

Generate a new sequence by reversing the members in a sequence

Ø  A.shift()

Get a shuffled sequence

Ø  A.step()

Create a sequence by getting members from a sequence according to the specified starting position and step

Ø  A.swap()

Generate a new sequence by swapping the positions of two intervals in a sequence specified by two integer sequences


Get members from a sequence starting from a specified position to create a new sequence

Ø  []

Define an empty sequence

Ø  [a1,,an]

Define a sequence constant

Ø  ifa()

Find whether an object is a sequence

Ø  p.inv(k)

Get sequence numbers of an integer sequence’s members in another integer sequence

Ø  to()

Generate a sequence composed of a series of consecutive integers